Well...I think we have officially gotten into the swing of things with another newborn. Eli is such a great baby! We have really gotten into a good routine and he is an excellent eater and sleeper (praise the Lord :). To be completely honest, as I approached the end of my pregnancy, I was absolutely dreading having another newborn in the house. I was not dreading having another child...I would just have preferred him to be born 3 months old so we could skip the "newborn stage." I'm not a big fan of the first 3 months because they're just plain hard. I remember when Grantham was 12 weeks old we had a significant shift in the feeling of everything...it just got a lot easier at that age.
With all that being said, I have been very pleasantly surprised at how everything is going. Eli really is such a great baby. We have definitely had our tough days at the Martin household but those are actually more related to Grantham than Eli. He is in the process of dropping his morning nap which has been a rough transition for him and for me (that's a whole other post though :) Don't get me wrong...the newborn phase still is not my favorite. I'm definitely looking forward to the days of being able to sleep through the night again but it's not nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be. Juggling 2 kids really isn't that hard if you have both of them on a good routine. The days just go a lot faster now. I'm trying to enjoy each day for what it holds...even if it's a tough one :)
I've posted a few pictures of Eli's first 4 weeks of life.
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